Approved 2-storey extension

Last Week.

All systems go on a variety of projects…

‘Summer Silly Season’ is in full swing – this being one of the busiest times of year for various projects at different stages, from those starting on site while the weather is good, through to those projects that started in the new year that are now gaining the relevant consents, and, of course, not forgetting those new projects at the very early stages.  

A snapshot of the last week summarises this variety quite nicely:

  • Commencement on-site for our side return extension in a Brighton conservation area.
  • Building Regulations Approval for a two-storey rear extension.
  • A flying visit to Chichester to meet the Planners at our barn conversion project
  • Pre-application enquiry for an office extension
  • Design development and review meeting for our remodelling and extension project in Henfield.
  • Preparation for client sign-off of a new Planning Application soon to be submitted to Lewes & Eastbourne Council 
Looking forward to the coming weeks when we’re expecting some Planning decisions and more projects starting on site. 

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